DataTitle: Dr. Who and the DaleksYear: 1965 (UK); 1966 (US)
Length: 82 minutes
Director: Gordon Flemyng
Writer: Milton Subotsky, based on a TV serial by Terry Nation
Starring: Peter Cushing, Roy Castle, Jennie Linden, Roberta Tovey
Music: Malcolm Lockyer
I saw it: on video (rented from Greencine), yesterday
Synopsis: an absent-minded professor's invention transports him and three others to a post-nuclear alien world
My reactionConcept:
The adaptation is completely terrible; I seriously wonder if they had a script at all. Something's very wrong when a movie's writing makes Terry Nation look good.
This area is really frustrating. The TV show had one of the best characters ever created, and some decent supporting characters. The movie doesn't just change them - it erases them, and leaves a vacuum.
Two words: Dalek monologues.
It's condensed from a three-hour serial, and it still manages to bore me silly.
One thing this movie has going for it - colorful, old-school technicolor.
Special effects/design:
I love the design. The special effects might actually be worse than the infamously low-budget TV show.
Even Peter Cushing just does an impersonation of William Hartnell, contributing nothing worth seeing. The others are very bad.
Subjective Rating: 3/10 (Bad,

). I'd assumed that all the hatred that
Doctor Who fans have for this movie stemmed from its being too different from the TV show (imagine a nerd whining indignantly, "but
that's not how it happened!"). And maybe that is why they hate it, but it doesn't matter because it's a crappy movie anyway. There's simply no sense of storytelling. The filmmakers' one and only goal was to put Daleks on film, in color, with enough semblance of a movie around it that people wouldn't demand their money back.
Objective Rating (Average):

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