Title: Per un pugno di dollari
Year: 1964 (Italy), 1967 (US)
Director: Sergio Leone
Writers: Víctor Andrés Catena, Jaime Comas Gil & Sergio Leone; story by A. Bonzzoni, Catena & Leone; based on a movie by Ryuzo Kikushima & Akira Kurosawa
Starring: Clint Eastwood, Marianne Koch, Gian Maria Volontè
Music: Ennio Morricone
Length: 99 minutes
Synopsis: a wandering gunfighter tries to make some money by getting rival gangs to kill each other
How I saw it: on video a couple times, most recently (rented from Netflix) yesterday
Subjective Rating:
Objective Rating: 10/10 c. 3.7/4 (Great).
Very good movie, but not as good as I remembered it being. Perhaps my opinion was inflated by associating it with its sequels. It's interesting to watch it shortly after seeing Yojimbo; some scenes are identical, while large portions are completely different. There are some great scenes in Yojimbo that aren't in Fistful of Dollars, and a lot of the Dollars versions of things are better than in Yojimbo, so I can't really say either one is better than the other. Although I like Mifune's character better than Eastwood's.
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