September 5, 2010

The American

Title: The American
Year: 2010
Length: 103 minutes
Director: Anton Corbijn
Writer: Rowan Joffe, based on a novel by Martin Booth
Starring: George Clooney, Paolo Bonacelli, Thekla Reuten, Violante Placido
Music: Herbert Grönemeyer

My reaction
Synopsis: somebody wants to kill an assassin/gun-maker
How I saw it: in the theater, yesterday
Concept: Good.
Story: Indifferent. It works extemely well, but there's not much to it. The same story filmed by different people could have been crap.
Characters: Indifferent. Very unrelatable, and not particularly original for a movie that puts a lot of focus on character.
Dialog: Great.
Pacing: Good.
Cinematography: Great.
Special effects/design: Great.
Acting: Great. There are a lot of scenes with no dialog where you know exactly what the protagonist is thinking. And when you don't know, you want to.
Music: Good.
Subjective Rating: 7/10 (Good). The action is great. A lot of the rest of it isn't nearly as interesting as it likes to think it is (although the direction is so cool and Spaghetti Western-y that you might not notice). And of course it has one of the best posters ever.
Objective Rating: 3.2/4 (Very good).

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