September 27, 2010

The Usual Suspects

The Top 63 Marathon, part 43

Title: The Usual Suspects
Year: 1995
Length: 106 minutes
Director: Bryan Singer
Writer: Christopher McQuarrie
Starring: Stephen Baldwin, Gabriel Byrne, Benicio Del Toro, Kevin Pollak, Kevin Spacey
Music: John Ottman
Distinctions: Oscars for Best Original Screenplay and Best Supporting Actor (Spacey); currently #25 on the IMDb's Top 250

My reaction
Synopsis: a survivor of a crime gone wrong talks to the police about what happened
How I saw it: on video several times, most recently yesterday (rented from Netflix)
Concept: Indifferent.
Story: Great.
Characters: Good.
Dialog: Good.
Pacing: Indifferent. The beginning of the movie, before it gets to the twists and turns and Keyser Soze, seems like just a run-of-the-mill heist movie, which is pretty dull. And the action scenes are mostly boring.
Cinematography: Indifferent.
Special effects/design: Great.
Acting: Great.
Music: Indifferent.
Subjective Rating: 8/10 (Great). Not as great as I used to think it was, but still great. I guess.
Objective Rating: 3.0/4 (Good).

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