Title: Tarzan Escapes
Year: 1936
Length: 89 minutes
Director: Richard Thorpe
Writer: Cyril Hume; characters by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Starring: Johnny Weissmuller, Maureen O'Sullivan, John Buckler, Herbert Mundin
Music: stock music (I think)
My reaction
Synopsis: a hunter wants to capture Tarzan (but don't worry - Tarzan escapes)
How I saw it: on video (rented from Netflix), yesterday
Concept: Bad.
Story: Bad.
Characters: Indifferent.
Dialog: Bad.
Pacing: Indifferent.
Cinematography: Bad.
Special effects/design: Terrible.
Acting: Bad. Now that Tarzan's getting less ape-like, Weissmuller's awfulness is really shining through.
Music: Bad. Same as Tarzan the Ape Man: there's no score except for a few seconds at the beginning and end, and it badly needs one.
Subjective Rating: 4/10 (Eh). It just repeats what the first Tarzan movie did, except it doesn't do it as well (which is really saying something). The climax consists of footage of iguanas, interspersed with shots of our heroes looking frightened. Are they supposed to be giant iguanas? I don't think so; people are usually looking down at them. They're just deadly jungle iguanas, I guess.
Objective Rating: 1.2/4 (Bad).
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