The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, 2012. Dwarves and a hobbit go on a trip.
Directed by Peter Jackson. Written by Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens, Jackson & Guillermo del Toro, based on a book by J.R.R. Tolkien. Starring Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman & Richard Armitage.
Concept: 3/4 (Good)
Story: 2/4 (Indifferent)
Characters: 1/4 (Bad)
Dialog: 1/4 (Bad)
Pacing: 1/4 (Bad)
Cinematography: 1/4 (Bad). If you're filming in New Zealand and your movie looks like crap, you are doing something very wrong.
Special effects/design: 2/4 (Indifferent)
Acting: 2/4 (Indifferent)
Music: 1/4 (Bad)
Subjective Rating: 4/10 (Eh, 2/4). Steaming pile of disappointment. The only thing at all enjoyable is the Gollum scene. Otherwise, it feels like watching someone play a video game based on a Hobbit movie.
Objective Rating (Average): 1.6/4 (Eh)
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