Doctor Who: Death to the Daleks, 1974 (the third story of five from season eleven). An ancient city drains the power from every ship that lands on its planet.
Created by Sydney Newman, C.E. Webber & Donald Wilson. Directed by Michael E. Briant. Written by Terry Nation. Starring Jon Pertwee & Elisabeth Sladen.
Concept: 3/4 (Good). Granted, it doesn't make any sense. How can Daleks move around at all when they don't have power? But a competent writer could have found a way around that.
Story: 1/4 (Bad)
Characters: 2/4 (Indifferent)
Dialog: 2/4 (Indifferent)
Pacing: 0/4 (Terrible)
Cinematography: 2/4 (Indifferent)
Special effects/design: 1/4 (Bad)
Acting: 1/4 (Bad)
Music: 0/4 (Terrible)
Subjective Rating: 2/10 (Terrible, 0/4). Oh Terry Nation, you so awful. 100 minutes of show, and about 50 minutes of material. I mean, literally, you could film this exact script, with no edits, and come up with a 50-minute show that didn't feel rushed.
Objective Rating (Average): 1.2/4 (Bad)
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