MythBusters: 2003 Season* [year one]. A couple special effects guys test whether various urban legends are possible.
Created by Peter Rees. Directed by Rees (5 episodes) & ? (6). Starring Jamie Hyneman & Adam Savage.
Concept: 3/4 (Good)
Story: 2/4 (Indifferent)
Characters: 2/4 (Indifferent)
Dialog: 2/4 (Indifferent)
Pacing: 3/4 (Good)
Cinematography: 2/4 (Indifferent)
Special effects/design: 3/4 (Good)
Acting: n/a
Music: 2/4 (Indifferent)
Subjective Rating: 8/10 (Great, 4/4). After having seen some more recent episodes, I was starting to wonder what I was thinking years ago, when I gave some of the "collection" sets an 8 out of 10. I am surprised and delighted to find that (even having seen all these episodes before) the early days of MythBusters are indeed completely awesome. There's something about watching these two figuring stuff out (usually stuff you'd genuinely like to know the answer to), and often creating destruction in the process, that is just plain entertaining.
Objective Rating (Average): 2.6/4 (Good)
(quasi-update of previous posts - originals are here and here)
*There doesn't seem to be any standard for what constitutes a season of MythBusters. No two sources I can find agree with each other. So I'm going with Wikipedia's arbitrary but conveniently simple method of dividing the show by broadcast year.
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