Doctor Who: "The Krotons," 1968-1969 (the fourth story of seven from season six). Unseen aliens/machines need strong minds and destroy what they can't use.
Created by Sydney Newman, C.E. Webber & Donald Wilson. Directed by David Maloney. Written by Robert Holmes. Starring Patrick Troughton, Frazer Hines & Wendy Padbury.
Concept: 2/4 (Indifferent)
Story: 2/4 (Indifferent)
Characters: 2/4 (Indifferent). Good writing for the regulars. The guests are all crap.
Dialog: 2/4 (Indifferent). Some nice funny lines. Some terrible dramatic lines.
Pacing: 2/4 (Indifferent)
Cinematography: 2/4 (Indifferent)
Special effects/design: 2/4 (Indifferent). Great sets. Terrible monsters.
Acting: 1/4 (Bad)
Music: 2/4 (Indifferent)
Subjective Rating: 6/10 (Okay, 2/4). Sometimes it's very good, sometimes it's pretty bad - in just about every aspect of the show. There's more good than bad, but the bad is bad enough that I can't bring myself to give it any "good" scores. I enjoyed watching it well enough. Zoe's very mini miniskirt doesn't hurt.
Objective Rating (Average): 1.9/4 (Eh)
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