Title: Independence Day
Year: 1996
Length: 153 minutes (extended version)
Director: Roland Emmerich
Writers: Dean Devlin & Roland Emmerich
Starring: Will Smith, Bill Pullman, Jeff Goldblum
Music: David Arnold (and non-original music)
Distinctions: Oscar for Best Visual Effects; Oscar nomination for Best Sound

My reaction
Synopsis: flying saucers invade earth
How I saw it: in the theater, 1996; on video a few times, most recently over the past couple days (have on DVD)
Concept: Great.
Story: Bad.
Characters: Terrible.
Dialog: Bad.
Pacing: Bad. Jesus Christ why is this movie so long?
Cinematography: Good.
Special effects/design: Great.
Acting: Indifferent.
Music: Indifferent.
Subjective Rating: 6/10 (Okay). It's a chore to sit through the whole thing, but if you just watch an hour at time it can be fun. Complete crap, but fun.
Objective Rating: 2.0/4 (Indifferent).

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