Title: Some Like It Hot
Year: 1959
Length: 122 minutes
Director: Billy Wilder
Writers: Billy Wilder & I.A.L. Diamond; story by Robert Thoeren & Michael Logan
Starring: Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon
Music: Adolph Deutsch, and popular songs
Distinctions: Oscar for Best Costume Design (black-and-white); Oscar nominations for Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Actor (Lemmon), Best Cinematography (black-and-white) and Best Art Direction/Set Decoration (black-and-white); currently #81 on IMDb's Top 250

My reaction
Synopsis: two guys join an all-girl band to hide from the mob
How I saw it: on video (rented from Netflix), today
Concept: Indifferent.
Story: Indifferent.
Characters: Good.
Dialog: Great.
Pacing: Great.
Cinematography: Indifferent.
Special effects/design: Great.
Acting: Indifferent. Jack Lemmon and Joe E. Brown are great. Tony Curtis is okay. Most of everyone else are bad.
Music: Great.
Subjective Rating: 7/10 (Good). Only Billy Wilder could take such a dumb farce idea and make a completely enjoyable movie. It's still just a dumb farce, but worth watching. The ending is good enough to bump it up from a 6/10 to a 7.
Objective Rating: 3.0/4 (Good).

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