Title: "The Gay Parisian"
Year: 1941
Length: 20 minutes
Director: Jean Negulesco
Starring: Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo
Music: Jacques Offenbach
Distinctions: Oscar nomination for Best Short (two-reel)
My reaction
Synopsis: a lot of people just sort of show up somewhere and dance and vaguely want to get with each other
How I saw it: on video (Maltese Falcon bonus feature), yesterday
Concept: Terrible. I mean, really, of all the wonderful things in the world you could put on film, an Offenbach ballet?
Story: Terrible. I don't think there is one.
Characters: Terrible.
Dialog: n/a
Pacing: Indifferent.
Cinematography: Good.
Special effects/design: Bad. It would be good design if it were a period drama. But you can't actually see a lot of the dancing through all the costumes.
Acting: Bad. Look at that face. How could I not give any acting points to a face like that?
Music: Bad.
Subjective Rating: 3/10 (Bad). Apart from a couple impressive jumps, it's not even very good dancing...
Objective Rating: 1.0/4 (Bad).
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