Title: Ocean's Eleven
Year: 1960
Length: 127 minutes
Director: Lewis Milestone
Writers: Harry Brown & Charles Lederer, story by George Clayton Johnson & Jack Golden Russell
Starring: Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Peter Lawford, Angie Dickinson
Music: Nelson Riddle
My reaction
Synopsis: WWII vets rob Las Vegas
How I saw it: on video (have on DVD), two days ago
Concept: Great. I haven't seen the remake yet (we just recently got a budget four-pack with both versions and the sequels (for $10!)), but I have pretty high expectations given the potential of this story.
Story: Great.
Characters: Bad.
Dialog: Great.
Pacing: Great.
Cinematography: Indifferent.
Special effects/design: Good.
Acting: Good.
Music: Great.
Subjective Rating: 7/10 (Good). I was hooked from the ultra-hip opening credit sequence. The movie didn't actually turn out to be all that great, but it's fun and well-written enough to be entertaining throughout. It doesn't take itself seriously enough to be a suspense film, and it doesn't have enough humor to be a comedy. What it does have is cool. Everything and everyone on screen - not to mention Riddle's score - is oozing cool.
Objective Rating: 3.2/4 (Very good).
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