Title: Superman II
Year: 1981
Length: 127 minutes
Director: Richard Lester
Writers: Mario Puzo, David Newman & Leslie Newman; story by Puzo; characters by Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster
Starring: Gene Hackman, Christopher Reeve, Margot Kidder, Terence Stamp, Sarah Douglas, Jack O'Halloran
Music: Ken Thorne
My reaction
Synopsis: Superman and Lois Lane make kisses while evil Kryptonians conquer Earth
How I saw it: on video a couple times, most recently yesterday (have on DVD)
Concept: Bad. The basic premise of this movie is that Superman is an irresponsible idiot.
Story: Bad.
Characters: Bad.
Dialog: Terrible.
Pacing: Indifferent.
Cinematography: Indifferent.
Special effects/design: Terrible.
Acting: Indifferent.
Music: Terrible.
Subjective Rating: 5/10 (Indifferent). Silly camp. It's funny when they're trying to be serious, and dumb when they're trying to be funny.
Objective Rating: 1.1/4 (Bad).
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