12 Monkeys, 1995. A man from a post-apocalyptic future is sent back in time.
Directed by Terry Gilliam. Written by David & Janet Peoples, based on a film by Chris Marker. Starring Bruce Willis, Madeleine Stowe & Brad Pitt.
Concept: A
Story: A
Characters: B
Dialog: A
Pacing: A
Cinematography: A
Special effects/design: A
Acting: A
Music: A
Enjoyment: Clever, intricate, dramatic, funny. Amazing visuals. I have a hard time imagining how anyone might not like this movie. It's been more than five years since the last time I watched it, and I was a little worried that it wouldn't hold up - like a lot of other movies I loved when I was a teenager. Nope, still great. A+
GPA: 4.0/4
(update of a previous post - original is here)
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