The Sopranos: Season One, 1999. A mobster sees a therapist.
Created by David Chase. Directed by John Patterson (2 episodes), Allen Coulter (2), Chase (1), Dan Attias (1), Nick Gomez (1), Alan Taylor (1), Lorraine Senna Ferrara (1), Tim Van Patten (1), Andy Wolk (1), Matthew Penn (1) & Henry J. Bronchtein (1). Written by Chase (5 episodes), Frank Renzulli (4), Robin Green (3), Mitchell Burgess (3), Jason Cahill (2), Mark Saraceni (1), James Manos, Jr. (1) & Joe Bosso (1). Starring James Gandolfini.
Concept: 3/4 (Good)
Story: 3/4 (Good)
Characters: 3/4 (Good). They're good characters, but apart from their humorous sides, I never had any reason to care about any of them.
Dialog: 3/4 (Good)
Pacing: 3/4 (Good)
Cinematography: 3/4 (Good)
Special effects/design: 3/4 (Good)
Acting: 3/4 (Good). There are a number of moments of greatness from Gandolfini. Mostly, it's not an Impressive Acting type of script.
Music: 4/4 (Great)
Subjective Rating: 7/10 (Good, 3/4). It's all very good, but I expected more. It picks up in the last couple episodes, so I have high hopes that later seasons will be better. There's a lot to appreciate about it, especially if you consider what TV dramas were like back in 1999. I just wasn't pulled in.
Objective Rating (Average): 3.1/4 (Very good)
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