Title: Two for the Road
Year: 1967
Length: 111 minutes
Director: Stanley Donen
Writer: Frederic Raphael
Starring: Audrey Hepburn, Albert Finney
With: Eleanor Bron, William Daniels, Gabrielle Middleton, Claude Dauphin, Nadia Gray, Georges Descrières, Jacqueline Bisset, Judy Cornwell, Irène Hilda, Dominique Joos
Music: Henry Mancini
Cinematography: Christopher Challis
Editing: Madeleine Gug, Richard Marden
Oscars: nominated for Best Original Screenplay
I saw it: on video (rented from Netflix), a few days ago
Synopsis: Albert Finney slowly crushes the joy from Audrey Hepburn
My reaction
Concept: 0/4 (Terrible). The concept is basically, "someone who can't direct tries to make a Fellini film." No thanks.
Story: 1/4 (Bad). Not meant to have a story, but what little bit of plot there is is bad.
Characters: 0/4 (Terrible). Such awful people. I'll bet Nora Ephron loves this movie.
Dialog: 3/4 (Good).
Pacing: 0/4 (Terrible). It's nice that they tried to do something new. But, sorry guys, when you throw out narrative structure, you have to replace it with something. You can't just throw some scenes together like it doesn't matter. Also: boring.
Cinematography: 2/4 (Indifferent)
Special effects/design: 3/4 (Good)
Acting: 2/4 (Indifferent). Audrey's very good. Finney is terrible.
Music: 2/4 (Indifferent)
Subjective Rating: 3/10 (Bad, 1/4). Cynical, miserable, pretentious garbage. There are a few bits with humor that are amusing, but they're few. Donen's directing is at its most awkward (which is really saying something), and Finney does what he can to make you despise every second his character is on screen.
Objective Rating (Average): 1.4/4 (Bad)
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