Title: Die Abenteuer des Prinzen Achmed
Year: 1926
Length: 66 minutes
Director: Lotte Reiniger
Writer: Lotte Reiniger [based on Arabian Nights]
Music: Wolfgang Zeller

My reaction
Synopsis: a prince kidnaps a demon woman, then has to rescue her from further kidnappers
How I saw it: on video (rented from Netflix), yesterday
Concept: Great. The first ever animated feature film.
Story: Good.
Characters: Indifferent. Fairytale archetypes.
Dialog: Indifferent.
Pacing: Indifferent. It moves way too quickly. If you blink you'll miss something.
Cinematography: Great.
Special effects/design: Great.
Acting: Indifferent.
Music: Great.
Subjective Rating: 8/10 (Great). It's no Snow White, but it's pretty awesome. Coming from someone who has been so far generally underwhelmed by silent films, this is by far the best one I've seen.
Objective Rating: 3.1/4 (Very good).

Yeah, this is pretty good. Thought I found the technique more interesting than anything. I'm not sure if I'd ever watch it again, but it's pretty amazing how it was made.
ReplyDeleteI've actually seen this! Although I'd never do a re-watch, I agree with chrisfilm that the technique (and dedication) was amazing. As someone who always enjoys knowing the reasons why art is made I think that this derves a 10/10.
ReplyDelete(P.S. This is chrisfilm's wife.)
While I was watching it, probably a good half of my attention went to wondering how various things were shot. It's a good thing the DVD has some behind-the-scenes stuff in the bonus features.